return QUEENS, NEW YORK, historical maps
Brooklyn information page has historical maps of all boroughs, including Queens.

NYC Subway maps From, an unofficial site. The same site has a great page of historical maps, including portions of 1888 USGS maps of Jamaica and Rockaway

• Queens Library's Long Island Room's Map collection and an itemization of their Belcher Hyde and Sanborn Insurance Maps

Astoria Maps
I hope to post more of these maps as I scan then. Most of my sources are very bad microfilm printouts made at the NYPL, Preparation has been laborious.

Hallets Cove, 1840

Newtown - 1852 The Astoria portion of the the foldout map from "The Annals of Newtown".
The ORANGE area is the current location of Our Lady of Mt Carmel.

1873 map A section of western Astoria, ca. 1873. Nancy Lutz has posted the entire map (Long Island City) on her Brooklyn Information page - maps page.
• Also from Nancy's site, some 1873 maps of particular interest to researchers of western Queens: Long Island City (overview of all of western Queens) | Ravenswood detail | Astoria detail | East Astoria detail

1890 Astoria A small section of Astoria, ca. 1890, southeast of Our Lady of Mt Carmel

Hallets Cove, northern half, ca. 1890
Hallets Cove, southern half, ca. 1890

Mt. Carmel Cemetery
The old graveyard of the Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, in Astoria, Queens. Plot map and inscriptions (as yet incomplete).

Sanborn Insurance Map details - Queens, Vol 2 (Astoria)

Map 14 - Mount Carmel Cemetery area - ca. 1919(58k)

Other Queens Maps
Calvary Cemtery Scans of plot maps of Calvary Cemetery, Woodside, Queens, NY.

Jamaica Map (43k) A map of my own. Three of the main Queens genealogical repositories are located within (roughly) a square mile of Jamaica. This map shows locations and transportation.
• For more information see Queens Co. Genealogical Resources -> repositories -> queens
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Apr 2005 - Patty Fagan